Board of Directors

ASAP Ministries is blessed with committed board members willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to further God’s work in Southeast Asia. Many exhibit their passion for the work of ASAP by not only faithfully attending the board of directors meetings, but also through intimate involvement with varied aspects of the ministry, such as assisting with training the national missionaries in Southeast Asia and exercising their God-given talents while representing ASAP at churches and camp meetings. The ASAP Staff extends a heartfelt "thank you" to each board member for their dedication and support.



Dean Coridan
Board Chair

Christopher Carmen
Attorney at Law

Shirley Freed
Retired Professor

Curtis Letniak
Owner, Spyder Controls Corp.

Denzil McNeilus
President, Sterling State Bank

Dr. Chan Sun Hwang and Dr. Esther Park-Hwang

Byron and Carol Reynolds
Health Educators, Former Missionaries

Trudi Starlin
Accountant, Refugee Advocate

Dr. Lilya Wagner
Part-time Consultant, Trainer, and Speaker (Self-employed)
Affiliated with the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University



Julia O'Carey
Chief Executive Officer

Richard Chadwick
Chief Financial Officer



Mary Ann McNeilus
Retired Physician, Former Missionary