Fill a Sacrifice Box

An excellent way to make missions an integral part of a Christian home is through the use of a sacrifice box.

Children can even get excited about going without something if they know how much it will help a child have food and clothes in Cambodia or Laos.

“Will you not ask your children to put into this box the money that they would otherwise spend for candy and other needless things? When visitors come to your home, they will see the box, and will ask in regard to it. Let the children tell the story of their effort to help a needy missionary field by denying self...Many should become interested in the work of placing these boxes in homes... A blessing will surely follow the gifts of self-denial thus brought to the Master.” (Ellen White, Manuscript Releases, Volume 1, 347).

Gather your children to watch an ASAP video, to look at the Priceless Gift Catalog on our site. Choose a project together. Decide to sacrifice, to go without some things, in order to help them. Then create a sacrifice box out of a milk carton, an oatmeal box, or a water bottle. Cut out pictures and quotes to glue on the container.

Watch for opportunities to sacrifice. Ask the children, “Shall we eat the one dollar items at Taco Bell this time and put the extra money in our sacrifice box?” Soon they will be saying, “Let’s skip desert so we can put more in!”

You can find all kinds of opportunities to save. Shop at discount stores, watching for sales. Enjoy the park and free museums instead of spending money on amusement parks. Play games instead of renting movies.

You might even have a family "Make Fun of Commercials Night." Examine TV and magazine ads to catch the lies "You NEED MORE to be happy!" Take time to be thankful for everything you already have.

Once a month, count the money, celebrate what you have gathered, have a special prayer, and send it in.