

What does the acronym “ASAP” in ASAP Ministries’ name mean?
ASAP Ministries was founded in 1995 as Adventist Southeast Asia Projects. Over the years, as our mission expanded to include refugees and persecuted people in other parts of the world, we used the name Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted for a period of time. Today, first and foremost, ASAP reflects our desire to fulfill Jesus’ commission to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28:19, KJV), and to see Him return As Soon As Possible! 

How many missionaries and projects does ASAP support?
ASAP currently supports more than 700 church planters, medical missionaries, teachers, and other local missionaries, most of whom serve in Southeast Asia. In addition, we operate nearly 100 mission schools in the region. Each year we also undertake dozens of other building, evangelistic, and humanitarian initiatives, including clean water projects, the construction of churches and schools, and the development, translation, and printing of training and discipleship materials.

Does ASAP send missionaries from the United States?
While ASAP organizes short-term mission trips and refugee student missionary assignments to Southeast Asia, we do not typically send long-term missionaries from the U.S. Instead, we provide training and stipends for local missionaries who already live in the countries where ASAP serves. 

Why does ASAP primarily support local missionaries?
We use this approach for two reasons: 1) local missionaries have proven extremely effective because of their knowledge of the language, culture, and worldview of those they serve; and 2) it is the most cost-effective method for spreading the gospel. While recognizing the unique contributions of Western missionaries, ASAP Ministries is pleased to support the work of local missionaries both in reached areas, where an Adventist presence already exists, and in unreached areas.

What percentage of my gift will go to the project I donate to?
If you donate to a specific project, 100% of your gift will be used for that project. In the event that the project you choose is fully funded, ASAP reserves the right to use your gift for a similar project or where needed most. Gifts to ASAP's Greatest Needs Fund are used for projects that have not been fully funded and also to support ASAP as a whole. To learn more about our commitment to good stewardship, please visit our 
Financial Facts page.

How often does the ASAP Board of Directors meet?
The Board of Directors meets in person each September and holds virtual meetings periodically throughout the year. In addition, the Administrative Committee, which includes the CEO and department directors, meets on a weekly basis.

How often do ASAP personnel go to the field to assess the needs and evaluate projects?
Personnel from ASAP’s home office typically travel to the field two to three times per year to inspect projects, determine needs for future projects, and conduct training events for ASAP missionaries. In addition, we have field supervisors stationed in each country where we serve and maintain close working relationships with the leadership of the Adventist missions and unions in these areas.

What is ASAP’s annual budget?
Our annual budget is approximately $5 million. This amount typically grows each year as more projects are added and the Holy Spirit impresses hearts to give.

Does ASAP accept tithe funds?
ASAP Ministries is a faith-based ministry that exists because of God's blessings through the donations of mission-minded individuals and organizations. We do not accept tithe funds. We do accept offerings. 

How is ASAP connected to the Seventh-day Adventist® Church?
ASAP Ministries fully supports the spiritual mission of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church, but it is an independent supporting ministry that is not part of, controlled by, legally affiliated with, or endorsed by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA or any of its affiliates known as the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. Thus, any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the services offered by ASAP Ministries are solely those of ASAP Ministries and not those of the General Conference or the Seventh-day Adventist® Church.

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