Monthly Prayer Points

Here are the prayer requests that we at ASAP Ministries consider the most urgent this month. Please partner with us so that these needs can go up to heaven with a mighty surge of united prayer.


  • CAMP MEETING SEASON: We have been so blessed to see God move during the Michigan, Wisconsin, and Carolina conference camp meetings. Please continue to pray for upcoming camp meetings where ASAP representatives will share our passion for spreading the gospel and reaching the lost in Southeast Asia.

  • ASAP’S BUDGET AND NEW NEEDS IN MYANMAR: Let’s plead with the Lord that He may provide above and beyond the needs of Myanmar, where many young people are flooding into our border schools and there are shortages of food and water for them.

  • AUGUST HSER’S FAMILY: Uplift the family, classmates, and teachers of August Hser, a young woman who attend an ASAP school on the Thai-Myanmar border. She passed away recently from complications of malaria. Pray that her family may be strengthened with the assurance that this world is not our home, and that they will be able to see her again in the resurrection day.

  • EXCITING CHANGES: Our new AdCom (Administrative Committee) needs much wisdom from above. Remember to pray for them as they make decisions to best lead this ministry moving forward.


"Much prayer, much power; little prayer, little power; no prayer, no power." Dee Duke