

By By Janelle Cuthbertjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Janelle Cuthbert
By My name is Chhoem Sarom. I am a 55-year-old woman. My son’s name is Oeng Sokha, age 13.john.press 19 Aug, 2024
My name is Chhoem Sarom. I am a 55-year-old woman. My son’s name is Oeng Sokha, age 13.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
“Ghosts!” the man screamed. His startled wife awoke trembling. It was the middle of the night. Terrified she questioned her husband, “What’s happening?”
By BY HUDSON MULLER*john.press 19 Aug, 2024
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
In January 2013, ASAP launched a " 21-Day Prayer and Fasting Initiative " in which staff and praying friends committed themselves to a Daniel fast of simple foods and/or fasting from media and entertainment for 21 days. We were blessed to have people participating from around the world, including Hawaii and Nigeria. ASAP sent to the group via email information about fasting and words of encouragement from the bible and the writings of Ellen White. The group then replied via email with their testimonies during the fast. God blessed the united prayers of His children who came together to intercede for friends here and abroad. May Jesus Christ, our Interecessor, bless you as your read a sampling of those testimonies:
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
“If God’s healing way is so powerful, then the scientists should stop producing the expensive medicine.” This kind of mockery and teasing made me very discouraged. As a medical missionary in Kompong Thom Province, Cambodia, I have been persecuted many times for telling people about God and His power. Sometimes I have become upset and considered quitting my work as a medical missionary, but still I wanted to work for God.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
One night I dreamed a long, long dream. My sleep was terribly fitful. The wind blew strong and never stopped until it dried up all the oceans. In my dream, life just went on. We went to work and the children went off to school as if nothing had changed. But something had changed. India and Africa had suddenly become our neighbors. There was nothing between them and us any more.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Despite ObstaclesRecently, I became a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. I was so excited about my new-found beliefs, such as the gift of the Sabbath, I began sharing with church members in each group I led out in. I knew Satan would try to hinder me so I spent much time in prayer.The police attempted to stop me from entering several villages where I had worship groups. One village I needed to enter has five check points I must pass through. I silently prayed, claiming the blood of Jesus, as I came up to each check point. I passed through the first, second, third, and fourth stops with no problem. When I got to the fifth check point a soldier abruptly motioned me over. I pleaded with him to let me through. With each appeal, he gruffly responded, “NO!” I turned around and started back home but kept thinking of the people in the village who were so hungry for the Word of God. I prayed, “Father, only You can help me find a way to share Your truth with the villagers.” God led me to someone who knew the back trails to this village and was willing to be my guide. Though it took money, courage, and eight times longer, God answered my prayer and I was able to arrive safely to this village.Praise the Lord! Today four of my five groups in four different villages are Seventh-day Adventist Christians. Please pray for the five hundred Adventist believers. Pray for their safety as they worship each Sabbath day. Pray we can bring them much-needed Bibles. Pray also for another group of 100 members who now know the truth but refuse to give up eating pork. Thank you for your prayers.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Supporting KAAIn 2013, ASAP was able to provide support to the Karen Adventist Academy (KAA), due to the kindness of Versacare and some private donors. I think it is so special that we actually have a Seventh-day Adventist School in the primitive Mae Ra Moo Refugee Camp located right on the border of Myanmar and Thailand!In this K-12 school, over 700 students have an amazing opportunity to prepare for a better future through this school’s education. More than that, they are able to learn about Jesus’ love and become His disciples. The money ASAP sends supports teachers. Their principal is Yo Poe and his number one desire is for each student to accept Jesus as Savior and live the truth. He is also a man of faith and prayer.The school building is just bamboo slats, big teak leaves for the roof, and a dirt floor; however, the students keep it very clean and take pride in it! The outreach activities they participate in give them a purpose outside themselves that lifts the hopelessness of living in a refugee camp for years!I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure of visiting Karen Adventist Academy this past year, especially as I saw the smiles on the faces of the children, the respect they have for their teachers, and the quality teaching that was taking place. This brought praise to my lips and gratefulness to my heart for all those who supported this school.You can sponsor a KAA teacher for $70/month or give in general for KAA today!
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. . . My children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but indeed and in truth.” 1 John 3:16, 18. (NKJV)
By Hi! I’m Chhom Boran living in Cambodia.john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Literacy Student Chhom Boran Finds a WayHi! I’m Chhom Boran living in Cambodia.If you visited me in Tang Krasang (my home village) recently you would see only the rooftops of many of our homes peeking out of a giant lake of water. The rains have kept coming day and night. “Will they ever stop?” many of us wondered.“How am I going to get to school and church?” I thought. I love going and can’t imagine missing a day. “Dear Father, please show me a way. You know I can’t swim and we are too poor to own a boat,” I prayed.After searching a little, I spotted a big frying pan my mother uses to cook food during the festivals. “Will it float?” I wondered. I cautiously stepped into the middle of it and started paddling on one side then the other. Little by little, my “boat” circled its way to the church/school.When I finally arrived, Pr. Pen Narith greeted me with a big surprised smile. “Chhom, were you afraid you might capsize and sink?” he asked. “No, Pastor,” I replied. “I have no fear because God is with me. This big flood won’t keep me away. Just like Jesus blessed me with the knowledge of how to read and write, I know he will bless me to be faithful and keep coming to school everyday and church each Sabbath, too.”Editor’s Note: Through the ASAP literacy program, many women and children learn to read and write and learn of Jesus through His Word and choose to accept Him as their Savior. Chhom Boran’s school has 80 students attending, however, during the flooding 40 regularly came. Could you sponsor a literacy teacher and make a diference in the lives of many children like Chhom Boran today?
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Praises in Preah VihearTwenty years ago it was too dangerous for Cambodia Adventist Mission officers to visit the remote Cambodian province called Preah Vihear. Today, through the sacrifice of dedicated workers, there are a number of church groups meeting each week in the Preah Vihear province. One of those groups now worships in the beautiful church/literacy center that is pictured. How did it get built? A request came from the church, which was passed on to ASAP Ministries. A couple in California felt impressed by the Lord to give $1,545 for a church in Cambodia and the same amount for a church in Thailand. God impressed other donors to give as well.Those dollars were wired across the ocean and carried to Preah Vihear where the building materials could be bought and built. In a place where Buddhists worship in highly decorated, long-standing temples, this nice church helps the community feel a bit better about the trustworthiness of the gospel. For the church members, it is a great joy to meet and worship in the church each Sabbath. After many months of waiting and praying they are praising God for His kindness to them through your gifts!
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Conquering DragonsOne night, Thavan Phat woke up abruptly to the cries of her youngest child. Feeling his burning head, she panicked for a brief moment, not knowing where to turn. She wept in the darkness bitterly, thinking she would lose her precious child forever. Then she remembered the Bible story ASAP Church Planter Doung Bopha shared of the lady whom Jesus healed after bleeding for twelve years. As she wiped down her son’s sweaty body with a towel, she prayed, “God, I know you have the same power you showed in the Bible. Please heal my boy if it is your will.” After praying that simple prayer, a peace fell on them both and they were able to go back to sleep. The next morning her child was completely well. She joyfully thanked God for working this miracle and with an increased faith in His power, she asked Him to help her find just enough recyclables on the streets that day so she would have enough Riel to buy rice to feed her family that day.She sifted through the trash for hours but found nothing. “Lord, I am going to look for half an hour more. Please come through for me,” she prayed. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a big black bag. She opened it up and to her surprise it was full of wedding cards. She carefully checked each card, and towards the end of the pile, found one with 100,000 Riels ($25.00). She shouted, “Thank you Jesus for blessing me and hearing my prayer. My God is so great!” Thavan often tells this story to others to encourage them that Jesus hears us and has many different ways to help His people.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
I was born and raised a Buddhist. Growing up, we were very poor. My mother had to take care of me and many of my siblings as my father was no longer around. I grew up fast since I had to help care for my siblings and babysit as a nanny to help my mother financially. I was taken to Thailand to work while still in my mid-teenage years. I got married and came with my husband to the United States as refugees.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Experiencing Answers I learned about united prayer from an ASAP training and enjoyed praying together with my fellow church planters. When I went home, I taught it to my family. This proved to be a blessing so I tried it on my elders and leaders in the church during prayer meeting. They too responded well to it. The next Sabbath, because our guest speaker did not show up, I preached about the power of united prayer and tried it with the whole congregation. The members eagerly participated. Now we conduct united prayer groups every Tuesday and Friday evenings. We see God answer many prayers and bring more unity when we come together to pray.For instance, we persisted in prayer for Rith Samoeun, a lady heavily burdened with caring for her two sons, three daughters, and five grandchildren. She experienced the love of God when church members reached out to her and supplied rice and help to raise her family. But two years ago, she had a misunderstanding with another church member and decided not to return to church. After visiting her at her home, along with much united prayer, Rith and her daughter have now returned to church and both are faithful and active believers!
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
The Joy of GivingOur connection with ASAP started when thousands of Cambodians fled to Thailand in 1980, we noticed how a quiet young nurse named Judy Aitken entered the camps and organized the work of teaching the refugees about Jesus. Great numbers were baptized and became leaders of camp churches. When the refugees returned to Cambodia or were resettled in other countries, Judy’s support for these companies of new believers all over the world developed into Adventist Southeast Asia Projects, now ASAP Ministries, the organization we love and serve today. Gradually the ministry spread to Laos, Thailand, Burma, and beyond. Naturally Ralph and I were happy to serve on the board of ASAP for a number of years.It has been inspiring to hear of God’s miracle-working power in the countries where we served in the past and we find great joy in helping any way we can, through our prayers, through helping to train missionaries in the past, and now through a charitable gift annuity. The work of ASAP is bathed in prayer. To be a part of this praying, faith ministry, to help match the need with the funds God has entrusted to us, and to receive reports of the growth of the Lord’s work in Southeast Asia, is a soul-stirring experience. It has deepened our love for God and commitment to serve Him.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
ASAP Ministries and Path 2 Prayer Ministries hosted ten days of prayer for missions, local ministries and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each night they were joined by church members and ministry leaders from the Berrien Springs, Michigan, area, including representatives from Your Story Hour, Adventist World Aviation, Adventist Frontier Missions, Reach International and Simple Updates.com.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
As my son Josiah and I bumped along the road, we were as excited as could be. We were on an adventure! We had been given the task of interviewing the teachers and newly baptized students at the ASAP-sponsored school in Takong, Cambodia. With us were our driver friend Caleb, who I had known since he was four years old, our translators, and seventy bags of rice for the students. At the school, we played with the students, taught a little, and then took pictures of each one. They happily made them special crafts and wrote thank you letters for their sponsors overseas. A newly hired teacher named Sok Som Arth told me this thrilling answer to prayer:
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
A Well For Ta Pound VillageIn places where the water supply is poor or non-existent, people are unhappy. They need clean water to drink, to bathe, to prepare their food, to live. The people of Ta Pound Village are excited about their new well. It cost $500 to dig and now they have a good flow of water coming out of clean pipes. The water is very sweet and drinkable unlike some wells in other areas of the village. "Villagers are coming to this well because the water tastes and looks better," reports Bun Leng, the ASAP literacy teacher who is sharing the water of life with the local children. Thank you for making this possible for the children of Cambodia.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Special Boxes“Hi! I’m Charis and this is my litter sister, Caia. One day our daddy came home with a big bag from the craft store. He had a surprise for us and we love surprises! He pulled out eight little wooden boxes and two bigger ones and said, “These are going to be your banks. One for tithe, one for donations, one for spending and one for saving!” We felt excited. He told us that every time we get money we need to split it up and put a little in each box, actually 10 % for tithe, 30% to give, 30% to save and 30% to spend. At first we didn’t get it, but we are learning. Every time we get paid our allowance and when family members give us money we run to Mommy or Daddy and ask them to help us sort it out.At worship one night, Daddy read us a sad story about a girl in a faraway country. Caia and I both said, “ASAP, we want to give our money to ASAP!” We counted the money in our “Give Bank” and it came to $46.25! This was from saving for four months. It was fun to see how much we could give.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
The Seven Day Answer“Where is the Pun Chuan family today?” Church planter Nuth Mao wondered as he scanned the members sitting expectantly in his small church one Sabbath morning. “They have been so faithful in attending, something must be seriously wrong” he anxiously thought. After the service Nuth Mao went to search for the family. He found all eight of them huddled in their small make-shift hut on the curb of the road. Mr. Chuan poured out his burden. “The day before, the government came and ordered us to leave because we built on public land. They want to clean up the streets. We have nowhere to go!” he said desperately. This problem was bigger than Nuth Mao could solve. He prayed with the family and asked the small groups in his church to pray for this need every morning and evening at 7 o’clock.One day, two days, three days went by and there was no answer. Finally, on the seventh day, Mr. Chuan came into church with a radiant smile on his face. He said, “I trusted in God and He gave me some land.” Actually, God impressed one of the church members to donate a piece of land 35 x 40 meters for the family to build a house on. The joy and amazement oozed out of Mr. Chuan’s words as he described the beautiful gift of land that even had fruit trees growing on it! God answered many prayers through the loving sacrifice made by a fellow believer! Would you like to play a part in answered prayer and experience joy? Why not make a sacrifice for a brother or sister in Southeast Asia or a needy person you meet today!
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
My name is Chomnath Long. I was born in Cambodia on the Sabbath Day on August 24, 1955. It was a very special time because the government had just completed a new hospital. Three days before my birth my father had moved our family to live at the hospital where he worked. He was a nurse as well as the pharmacist who ordered medication for the entire country. My family was large at the time, I was the fourth child. Later my parents would have two more children. In all there were three girls and three boys. My family was not Christian, but my mother would make the sign of the cross with ashes on her babies and over the door posts and windows of our house.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Praises in Preah VihearToday, through the sacrifice of dedicated workers, there are a number of church groups meeting each week in the Preah Vihear province. One of those groups now worships in the beautiful church/literacy center that is pictured here. How did it get built? A request came from the church, which was passed on to ASAP Ministries. A couple in California felt impressed by the Lord to give $1,545 for a church in Cambodia and the same amount for a church in Thailand. God impressed other donors to give as well. Those dollars were wired across the ocean and carried to Preah Vihear where the building materials could be bought and built. In a place where Buddhists worship in highly decorated, long-standing temples, this nice church helps the community feel a bit better about the trustworthiness of the gospel. For the church members, it is a great joy to meet and worship in the church each Sabbath. After many months of waiting and praying, they are praising God for His kindness to them through your gifts!
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Have you ever experienced the power and sweet presence of God when uniting with others in prayer? Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). We are told in the Spirit of Prophecy: “The promise is made on condition that the UNITED prayers of the church are offered, and in answer to these prayers there may be expected a power greater than that which comes in answer to private prayer. The power given will be proportionate to the UNITY of the members and their love for God and for one another.” --Letter 32, 1903, p. 5.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
A Real God AnswersI woke up early on Pchum Ben day, the Khmer Festival of the Dead, with a cold, sick feeling in my stomach. We were down to 1,000 Riel (25 Cents) and had no rice left in the sack, no food in sight. “How is my family going to eat today?” I worriedly asked myself. I was not hoping for the delicious treats that are usually eaten on this special day, like sticky rice with sweet beans or cake with banana wrapped in it. I knew a simple meal of rice and vegetables would more than satisfy us. My four children woke up shortly after. The older ones started whining right away about being hungry. My youngest sobbed with hunger. I wanted to cry too. I could not blame my husband for the sorry state we were in. He could not help being sick for quite some time. I understood that he could not drive the taxi when he was so sick. I was just happy that God answered Church Planter Ty Kim Ann and my prayers for him because we did not have to buy medicine after we prayed. Speaking of prayer, before I became Christian, every year since I was a little girl, I prayed to my dead ancestors on this holiday. I remember lighting incense and candle sticks to guide the spirits of my deceased relatives to the offerings my family and me prepared. Now I know how to pray to a real God, the only God who has power to help me. So on that special day, I prayed a silent, pleading prayer to the God in heaven. I told him how it broke my heart to see my daughters so hungry. I asked Him to have mercy on me because I did not know what to do. I was helpless. Right after I finished praying, three young men from the church appeared at the doorway. They said they were impressed to each give me 3,000 Riel to buy rice with. It is really wonderful how God is alive and answers my prayers. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ! - Thenly
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
A Second ChanceI believe in Jesus! Every Sabbath day I love to go to church to worship God, every Sabbath except one time last month when I fell into temptation. You see, I try to make a living by selling vegetables at the market. Between my work and my husband's small pay from working construction, sometimes it is difficult to have enough to live. That Sabbath morning I asked my husband, Chum Silat, to drive me to the market. We piled all the vegetables and my two-year-old child, Lun O'Chi on the small moped and started out. I felt a little guilty because my mother-in-law called me that morning, asking what time we would all go to church but I told her not to wait for us.We were about half way there when suddenly I heard a "bang" and the moped started swerving around the busy road because our tire blew out. While we headed straight into the big tire of a large moving truck I cried, "Jesus, save us!" At that moment I stuck my foot out and gave a hard kick. Fortunately, this sent our moped away from the big truck and to safety by the side of the road. I learned that day an important lesson that no matter how hard our situation might be, Jesus must be first in our lives because He is our God.Later that week I told Church Planter Ty Kim An about my experience and how I told God I was sorry and how I will make Him number one. We read Isaiah 58:13-14 together and now I understand more clearly about God's Sabbath, His holy day. I also understand more deeply in my heart about God's mercy. He loves me enough to answer my cry for help, give me a second chance and save my family and me! -Sok Chea Soun
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Four months ago, as I went out sharing the Gospel of Jesus in the southern Russey village, I met a widow who was making woven rugs. Her name is Nong Sokkorn, a fifty-eight year old, from the Prusat Province. She had moved to Russey Village because her children are still very young; she has one son and two daughters. As we spoke, she told me how hard it is to raise up young children being a single mother. She had to work so hard that she fell into an illness causing numbness in the hands and legs, and diabetes which caused her semi blindness.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
For a long time, I have been praying to the Lord that He would bless me in my work of sharing the gospel and winning souls for Him. He answered my prayers in a very beautiful way! One time I set out as usual to do my work of spreading the good news throughout my village. I met a young woman who was working at the dump area digging for recyclables that could be sold. I walked up to her and started a conversation. I asked her how much she could earn in one day. She sadly shared that she could not earn enough to support herself and her family. She pretty much lived from hand to mouth. In a very worried tone she said, "My family is so poor, my kids usually get sick, and my husband doesn’t earn any money." She asked me where I came from and what I was doing there. I honestly told her that I was a Bible worker spreading the good news about Jesus. She asked me, "What can we get from believing in Jesus?" Knowing that she was referring to material blessings, I said, “Jesus wants to give us so much more than material blessings! He wants to give us SALVATION!” I continued, “When you believe in God and learn to pray and trust Him with your whole heart, you will discover a God who will provide for all your needs.” I then had an opportunity to share my testimony. I said, “Before I got to know and accept Jesus, I faced a lot of problems and difficulties. And I didn’t earn any money. After I accepted God into my life, all the difficulties and hardships seemed to go away. And I learned that Jesus will carry my burdens. As I began praying and trusting Jesus, I soon discovered that He was answering my prayers. And God has blessed me with this work of sharing the good news.” She listened very carefully as I shared my story. I could see hope in her eyes. She asked many questions about believing in God and about the Christian life. She made her decision that day to accept Jesus into her life. About two months later, she saw how God blessed her husband with a job which allows them to earn more money. The husband became a believer soon after she did. She and her husband are now committed to believe and trust God with all their hearts. I praise the Lord for this new family that has decided to be baptized.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Heaping Coals“Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him; If he thirsts, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. ” Romans 12:20,21 Twenty-year old Sim Thim, living in the Boska village in Cambodia believes in God with all his heart. He came to know about his loving Savior from studying at the Seventh-day Adventist literacy school. After he accepted Jesus and was baptized, his parents and relatives began mocking and ridiculing him for his foreign beliefs. Every evening, his mother or father would demand that he fetch water from far way. Though he ran there and back, he often missed his literacy classes and the chances to read more of God’s Word and learn of Jesus. This scenario took place every Sabbath as well.One Sabbath he was relieved that he made it to church and during prayer time, shared his burden with the rest of the church members. The district pastor, Pen Narith knew that this village needed a well. “Why not place it near Sim Thim’s home as to ‘heap coals on the heads of Sim’s parents,” he thought. This act of compassion surprised and touched the hearts of all in the village. God answered Sim Thim’s prayers through the gift of a well. Now Sim can obediently draw water for his family and still make it to church and his literacy classes during the week. No longer do his parents and relatives persecute him with their words, looks and actions. Praise God!-Julia O'Carey
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Missions of MercyEvery week I go door to door to talk to my neighbors about the true God and share simple remedies with the sick. When the residents are feeling well enough, they come with me. One day I met a nineteen year-old lady named Chan Thorn. I could tell right away from the look in her eyes that she was in a lot of pain. Sure enough, she suffered with intense abdominal pain. Her family had sent her to the hospital where the doctor told her she needed to have surgery which would cost $500! She felt hopeless for she did not have that kind of money. I told her that God loved her so much and was concerned with the situation she was in. I offered to pray for her. She agreed and also welcomed natural remedies. In one week she was healed. She started studying with me about this amazing Healer God and later accepted Jesus in baptism.
By BY SCOTT GRISWOLDjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
My name is Chheurn Oeun. I’m 46 years old; my wife’s name is Sun Sokleap, age 42. My son’s name is Oeun Narin, age 3.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Miracles --this one word sums up a series of events ASAP experienced before the video, Seekers of Truth , made it into production. Here are a few of the “behind the scenes” accounts that will undoubtedly bring praise to your heart for our amazing Provider.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
The day my husband died from AIDS, I remember a big mountain of burdens, larger than what I felt I could carry, crushed down on my heart. Where would I go? My parents and other relatives disowned us because of their fear of our disease. How would I feed Vy and Vo, my growing, active teenage boys? The money I carefully saved away would not last more than a month. I was desperate, discouraged and ready to die. As I sat on the sidewalk, the thought came to me, if I die, what would happen to my dear boys?
By The following letter was sent by one of our donors:john.press 19 Aug, 2024
Struggling With Clinical DepressionThe following letter was sent by one of our donors:Dear Sister,Thank you for your kindly and inspiring email and for sharing your story. I would like to share one with you, too. Believers’ prayers are powerful!A few weeks ago I was feeling so downtrodden and depressed that each night I would hope that the Lord would take me and that I wouldn’t wake up the next morning. Deeply in my spirit I was still praising and thanking God, but through such pain from circumstances, I was enveloped in a kind of inertia and I was unable to function normally on a day-to-day basis.The mornings are difficult for me because I am bound by clinical depression, so it was unusual that one morning I woke up with the inertia gone, and clear thoughts in my head about some steps I could take to try and ease some of the financial pressure I am under. I have friends who are non believers, but I shared with them that I ‘knew’ that ‘someone’ had been praying for me because of this sudden and uncharacteristic change in my thinking and the sudden disappearance of the inertia that had been swamping me for months.Time passed and it wasn’t mentioned again, but then your email came, letting me know that ASAP has been praying for me. NOW I knew who it was!! I was so happy to share this news with my friends. They had rolled their eyes when I first said that I ‘knew’ some unknown person or persons were praying for me. Now it was confirmed, Praise the Lord!I am still facing huge challenges, financially, emotionally and physically, but “all is well with my soul” praise God.Thank you so much! Please pass on my testimony to those who have been praying.Blessings and Sisterly Love, Beverley Manners
By By Tom Evansjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Tom Evans
By By Julia O'Careyjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Julia O'Carey
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
I was very glad to have the opportunity to attend an ASAP training. It was the first time that I, along with other ASAP workers from Central and East Myanmar, had heard about how to do united prayer using the conversational prayer format. We praise the Lord for the power of united prayer and the blessings that came from that experience.
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
What does a busy lady with a mission heart do when she retires? She gets busier of course! Dr. Shirley Freed was praying for God to direct her as she prepared to retire from being a professor in Andrews University’s Leadership Program.
By By Scott Griswoldjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Scott Griswold
By john.press 19 Aug, 2024
The following article was adapted Elder Dean Coridan’s sermon at the ASAP Missions Alive! program on Sabbath, November 4, 2017, at the Village Seventh–day Adventist Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Elder Coridan is the President of the Iowa–Missouri Conference and the Board Chair for ASAP Ministries.
By By Ngai Cinjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
Ten Days of Prayer AnswersBy Ngai CinOur growing church plant in Grand Rapids, Michigan decided to have ten days of prayer in January. We are from the Zomi tribe in Myanmar. We went from house to house meeting from 7–8 p.m. every evening. We prayed for each other’s needs and requests from the world church. I really think everyone was touched by the Holy Spirit. Here is what God did to answer our prayers.Our Zomi group urgently needed a place to worship. On the ninth day of prayer, our elder and youth leader went out searching, stopping at every church they found. At the seventh stop, they came to Wyoming Park United Methodist Church. The Holy Spirit touched the pastor’s heart and he accepted our request to pay a low amount of $50/day to rent the church right on the spot!Our friend Aui Zam Cin has been waiting to get the approval for her green card for more than a year after the normal processing time. On the 8th day of the 10 days of prayer, she received the approval letter in the mail!Cing Hoih Neih (Ho Ho) has been suffering from pain in her right hand and right knee. She wasn’t even able to take care of her two children. At the Friday vespers service, she shared a testimony with the group. God healed her! She said, “Prayer is so powerful when we pray in unity!”Unfortunately, I was in a car accident four months ago. My church joined in praying for a decent car on a very small budget. The whole group prayed wholeheartedly. Just a few days after the end of the 10 days of prayer, God provided a car for ministry through ASAP Ministries.We praise God for hearing and answering our prayers no matter how unworthy we are. We have been abundantly blessed through uniting to pray. It has drawn us closer to Jesus.
By By Scott Griswoldjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Scott Griswold
By By Julia O’Careyjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Julia O’Carey
By By Nathan Arthurjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
Rally the TroopsBy Nathan ArthurHow can I give to missions? I really wanted to support the work abroad, but as a college student, I did not have much. How could I make giving a lifelong habit if I could not even figure out how to start?In 2014, I attended a youth conference where Kameron DeVasher charged GYC to begin giving sacrificially to missions. He appealed to the attendees to commit to giving five dollars every week through a recurring donation. This is my chance, I thought. This will force me to start giving to missions. So, without knowing how I was going to find the money, I pledged.After returning to school, I began trying to raise money to cover the recurring donation. I put out spare change jars and sold a few things. I wasn’t able to raise more than I pledged until I began getting my friends and classmates to help fundraise. Elissa Tesch, a fellow college student and former missionary to Laos, had great ideas and energy. With the help of Elissa and many others like her, we held two large silent ASAP fundraising auctions. What did I learn? First, do not wait to support missions. God can not use you until you choose to be used by Him. He certainly will use you the moment you commit yourself to His service.Second, involve other people. God has not given everyone the same talents. By working together, we multiply our individual effectiveness. Finally, do not allow your circumstances to limit you. Whether you are rich or poor, smart or slow, old or young, God can and will use you if you will only let Him.Nathan Arthur is a student at Ouachita Hills College.
By By Dr. Tom Evansjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Dr. Tom Evans
By By Scott Griswoldjohn.press 19 Aug, 2024
By Scott Griswold
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