The Persecuted, Reach the World Next Door Stories

Open Doors reports, "There is no freedom of religion in Turkmenistan. The dictatorial government uses a huge network of police, secret services, and local imams to closely monitor all religious activities." How will the gospel commission be completed in such a country? Here is one of God's plans—to use people like you and me.
God is constantly working to get His message out in every language. A few years ago, He sent an energetic man to an ASAP booth in Southern California, where he met me and took some My Language My Life cards.
Soe Soe and Jasmine experienced many twists and turns as ASAP refugee student missionaries, from their initial launching challenges to their amazing front-line mission work on the border of Thailand and Myanmar. Find out what they're up to now!
When you think of evangelism, does a Daniel and Revelation series come to mind? You may not link evangelism to camp meetings, but let me tell you, much evangelism happened during two special camp meetings that took place this summer for the people of Myanmar now living in the United States.
“Why, God? I am dying, my family is hungry, I cannot work! Why is this happening to me?” Renas,* a Syrian refugee in Lebanon did not consider himself a religious man, but in his desperation, he cried out to God.
After almost two years of gathering information, assessing needs, writing proposals, listening to expert advice, developing an administrative team, preparing curriculum materials, setting up an office, acquiring visas, and much more; the Eternity ASAP Virtual School (EAVS) is opening with the target audience being Pakistani refugees in Thailand.
As I finished sharing the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 with a small group of house-church members, I looked up and my eyes met deep sadness. Tia sat there in silence. I knew she had a story to share. When Tia spoke, her voice was filled remorse. "I am that prodigal!" she said.
I jolted out of bed at 2:00 a.m. My sister’s voice whispered on the phone, “Ben, they are on the roof! What should I do?” “Who is on the roof?” I asked as my heart beat wildly. “I don’t know, but they are yelling and shining a flashlight back and forth in the windows to see if anyone is moving inside. I’m so scared.”
“They gave me two choices,” recalls Chavanh. “Give up Christianity, or give up my position as village chief. So, I gave up my position.” But although he had lost his title, his reputation, and his freedom, he did not lose his faith.
On the steps of Pioneer Memorial Church, by the statue of John Andrews and his children staring off across the ocean to the mission field, she said, “We need someone in the Thailand refugee camps right now. Will you go?” Her passion, her prayers, and her invitation changed the course of our entire lives.
What began as a normal day for two ASAP missionaries in a closed country took a sudden turn for the worse when one was arrested for sharing sermon DVDs in the market. See how God turned her interrogation into an unexpected witnessing opportunity!
More than 97,000 men, women, and children live in No Man’s Land, a place no one would ever choose to inhabit! Learn about the floods of water and evil that threaten to wipe them out.
Out of a whole village, only a man named No accepted the message of truth brought by one of our workers. Discover how his "yes" turned a pagan village into a place of witness.
Yes, angels do love to crowd into some smoke-filled rooms full of disfigured people. Now, why could that be?
Paralysis in her legs and a dried-up milk supply led this new mother and her family to the Sabbath truth. Read how God makes such connections.
Meet a little “bomb” that’s exploding in the stronghold of the enemy.
Years in prison didn't dampen this man's enthusiasm for Christ. Pastor Victory of the Gospel lives his belief!
How could a prayer for a part-time job in Michigan lead to an encounter with Syrian refugees in the Middle East North Africa Union?
Pastor Chanla Dok and his friends are reaching some of the 70,000 Khmers in the concrete jungles of Long Beach, California with their new Sua Sdei (Welcome) Center. Read more…
Millions of children are at risk of being abused, enslaved, or even trafficked into prostitution. Is there something we can do? ASAP Ministries has just finished a new curriculum for protecting children and taught our teachers in Cambodia how to use it. One teacher said, "Sometimes I’m so angry that I just shake as I hear the children share about the things they have experienced." Read More...
Nai was handcuffed and hauled off to the police station on his first visit to a secret house church in a closed country. Read the ending and share this story to help others have courage to stand for Jesus.
Thenly tells how God provided for her and her family after she said a simple prayer. You never know how important your small act of kindness may be.
Dy Ky passed through the first, second, third, and fourth police checkpoint without any problems. But the at the fifth checkpoint Satan almost succeeded in stopping Dy Ky from reaching the needy believers waiting inside.
Imagine what life would be like if the ocean's dried up and suddenly the poor of the world were at our doorstep.